
Dictionary of in International Relations

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İn today`s vvorld, thc usc of diplomacy and diploınaüc languagc havc bccomc morc popular, and \ve arc intcrcstcd morc in imcmational occurrences hence. I hereby preseni my "Dictionary Of International Relations" t hal I rcalized the nocessity of in Turfcey, aııd took ine a year to scan ovcronc hundrcd sourccs to writc to till this nccd.

Tfıis fny.lısh to I iırkUlı diclionary incimle` ntore Ihan 20 IHJIJ dcfinitions with altcrnahvc meanings uscd in politics. and diplomacy. and thc tcrmınology of intcrnatıonal rclatıons uscd in writtcn and visual medıa. and cotıntncs" names vvılh abbrevıanons and thcır currcncıes, Capital cities, aırports. bordcr chcck points. ports, neuspapcrs. mtclligence Services, nevvs channels. universitics

Dictionary of in International Relations Hakkında Bilgiler
Türü : İngilizce
Kapak : Ciltsiz
Sayfa Sayısı : 705
ISBN : 9786257072267
Basım Yılı : 2020
Kağıt Tipi : 2. Hamur


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İn today`s vvorld, thc usc of diplomacy and diploınaüc languagc havc bccomc morc popular, and \ve arc intcrcstcd morc in imcmational occurrences hence. I hereby preseni my "Dictionary Of International Relations" t hal I rcalized the nocessity of in Turfcey, aııd took ine a year to scan ovcronc hundrcd sourccs to writc to till this nccd.

Tfıis fny.lısh to I iırkUlı diclionary incimle` ntore Ihan 20 IHJIJ dcfinitions with altcrnahvc meanings uscd in politics. and diplomacy. and thc tcrmınology of intcrnatıonal rclatıons uscd in writtcn and visual medıa. and cotıntncs" names vvılh abbrevıanons and thcır currcncıes, Capital cities, aırports. bordcr chcck points. ports, neuspapcrs. mtclligence Services, nevvs channels. universitics, banks. weapon ınanufacturers, and cnıdc oil. natural gas and cncrgy companics, and thc nomes of strategically important rcgıons. straits. scas, gulfs. lakes, and deserts.

I think thc dictionary I havc prepared is a qualifıcd sourcc for studcıus, rescarchcrs, cmployccs of thc intclligcncc scrviccs. cnıployccs of thc ministry of fbrcıgn ıılTaırs, joumalısts, rcporlcrs, acndemics, tourisnı professionaJs, intctprctcrs, traders and cveryonc vvho is ıntcrcstcd ın intcınational relations.

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