Reading Jump is a three-book reading series designed for the high-beginning to intermediate learners of English. Each reading passage within Reading Jump has been designed with the EFL learner in mind. The thematically grouped passages focus on entertaiment, art, health, sports, the environment, science, social science, people, culture, nature, and history. Every unit in Reading Jumpis designed to first stimulate the student`s interest about the topic. In addition, the number of key vocabulary introduced in each unit has been limited to ensure students are encountering mostly known words throughout each passage. A series of comprehension and writing questions ensure student understanding of key concepts and ideas.
The Reading Jump W
Gelince Haber VerReading Jump is a three-book reading series designed for the high-beginning to intermediate learners of English. Each reading passage within Reading Jump has been designed with the EFL learner in mind. The thematically grouped passages focus on entertaiment, art, health, sports, the environment, science, social science, people, culture, nature, and history. Every unit in Reading Jumpis designed to first stimulate the student`s interest about the topic. In addition, the number of key vocabulary introduced in each unit has been limited to ensure students are encountering mostly known words throughout each passage. A series of comprehension and writing questions ensure student understanding of key concepts and ideas.
The Reading Jump Workbook provides students of Reading Jump additional opportunities to learn. Each activity in the workbook directly correlates to information learned in the student book. With additional comprehension exercises, students are sure to finish the unit with a total understanding of the content. Dictation exercises provide students ample opportunity to practice listening skills through excerpts taken from each Reading Jump unit.
Student Book
Informative reading passages structured in familiar organizational patterns
Limited target vocabulary items per unit that increase in number for higher level books
Writing-based comprehension questions to develop learners` skills
Multiple vocabulary exercises alternating throughout each book
Additional comprehension checks to reinforce vocabulary acquisition and general understanding
Dictation activities to build students` listening skills